Monday, February 18, 2008

Design Help

Okay so first off, design help...continueing on from last post...a helpful way to flesh out ideas is to write things down...

Eg. say we wanted to make a space out post, the first thing you want to decide is where is it.. so we start of with lets say....its in another planets city... so then we think wats in another planets city...and after a while u will have a chart that slighty looks like this...

Space outpost-->Alien City-->wats in alien city-->lights-->bright/Dark-->wat are lights illuminating/not illuminating-->(buildings-->building shapes-->ok so does the city have a certain style--> colours used in city-->greys/browns,blacks,reds,yellows are wat comes to mind 4 me--> Garbage-->dirt and grime--> who inhabits this world,which leads to wat kind of space outpost u may need to make-->does outpost need to be fortified or relaxed and unprotected-->what fortification,barbed wire, guns glass--> and so on.......after a while of thinking you can go back through the list and highlight wat apeals to u most...
NOTE: there will be alot of sub sections as u dun want to think of one idea and work that one out, remember to include multiple subjects.... for example...your choosing building styles....don't just say lets make everything rounded and then flesh that out and think well thats done...explore the other options as well such as having everything fortified, and square, gothic looking, theres infanite amounts of original ideas u can come up with....its all a matter of taking a time to work it all out..

Well todai in class a new issue was raised with the whole pen liscence type rule that denied us from using opacity, bump and spec maps...this was quite a shock and made me think how our ideas were shot down suddenly...i didn't realise that factoring in the use of opacity and spec maps would create such a problem...hope fully we can all bst out sum nice diffuse maps and polish our enviroments off with specs and bumps and opacity maps and wat not.
*man so much to talk about and i hate long posts lol*

Okay so todais hot tip is if your practising drawing try using a pen instead of a sounds dumb but it will get you to think more carefully about the lines u put down on paper, and after a while you will be more proficient at puting your idea down on paper with less mistakes and changes to the overall image, hence letting you get ur idea down much faster.. also when doin buildings do try to stick to the graphic tecniques.. such as orthographic drawing and wat will make ur work look messy at the start but after sum erasing yourw ork will be more crisp and much cleaner.

newho i think thats all i can think of for now...later

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